Knife Beveling Jig

A knife beveling jig is an essential tool for achieving precise and consistent bevels on your knives. Whether you are a professional knife maker or a DIY enthusiast, this tool will revolutionize your sharpening process. With its help, you can easily maintain accuracy and achieve professional-quality results every time.

Creating your own knife beveling jig doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. In this article, we will guide you through the process of building your own jig using readily available materials and tools. You’ll soon discover how this tool can significantly improve your knife sharpening and ensure consistent results.

Key Takeaways:

  • A knife beveling jig is a tool used to achieve precise and consistent bevels on knives.
  • Creating your own knife beveling jig is a cost-effective option.
  • Materials such as an adjustable spring door hinge, bolts, steel plates, and plastic sheets are needed.
  • The step-by-step process includes attaching hinges, ensuring alignment, and reducing friction.
  • Testing and making improvements is crucial for optimal performance.

Materials and Tools

To create your own knife beveling jig, you will need a list of essential materials and tools. These items will help you achieve precise and consistent bevels on your knives. Here are the key materials required:

  • Adjustable spring door hinge
  • Bolt
  • Cap nut
  • Steel plates
  • Steel block
  • Plastic sheet (for reducing friction)

Additionally, you will need specific tools to assist you throughout the process. These tools will ensure that you can create a functional and effective beveling jig. The necessary tools include:

  • Angle grinder or hack saw
  • Drill press
  • Sander/grinder/file (for cleaning up edges)

It’s worth noting that these materials and tools can be modified or substituted based on your personal preferences and the resources available to you. The important thing is to choose materials and tools that are sturdy, reliable, and suitable for the task at hand.

Creating your own knife beveling jig requires a specific set of materials and tools. By gathering these essential components, you’ll be on your way to achieving precise bevels on your knives.

Building the Jig

Now that you have gathered all the necessary materials and tools, it’s time to start building your knife beveling jig. Follow these steps to create a sturdy and functional jig that will enhance your knife sharpening process.

  1. Begin by attaching the hinge to both steel plates. This will allow the plates to pivot, enabling you to achieve different bevel angles. Make sure to tighten the hinge securely, ensuring stability during use.
  2. Next, secure the bolt post to one of the plates. This bolt post will allow you to adjust the angle of the jig according to your desired bevel. Use a cap nut to keep the bolt in place and ensure it doesn’t come loose during sharpening.
  3. To reduce friction between the jig and the grinding surface, add a plastic sheet to the bottom plate. This will allow smooth and consistent movements while sharpening your knives.
  4. Align the front plate parallel to the grinder to ensure optimal performance. This step is crucial for achieving precise and accurate bevels.
  5. If desired, you can add optional additions to your jig for convenience. Consider including a set screw to lock the bevel angle in place and a knob for easy adjustment of the bolt post.

By following these steps, you will be able to build a sturdy and functional knife beveling jig. Now you’re ready to move on to the next section and test the performance of your newly built jig.

Testing and Improvements

Once you have completed building your knife beveling jig, it’s time to put it to the test and assess its functionality. Users who have used this jig have reported significant improvements in their blade quality, thanks to faster and more even grinds. However, there is always room for further enhancements and customization.

To make your beveling jig even more versatile, consider adding a grid of threaded holes on the front plate. These holes will allow you to securely hold different sizes and shapes of knives in place, ensuring consistent and precise beveling.

Another improvement you can make is attaching handles to the back of the bottom plate. This addition will provide better maneuverability and control while working with the jig, giving you a comfortable grip and reducing fatigue during long beveling sessions.

Your feedback and recommendations for further improvements are highly valuable. Feel free to explore different modifications based on your specific needs and preferences. By continuously refining and fine-tuning your beveling jig, you can achieve professional-level results in your knife grinding endeavors.

With that being said, let’s take a closer look at the benefits and application of another type of jig that aids in knife-making: the knife filing jig.

Note: The image above showcases various beveling jigs for blades, highlighting their versatility and potential for customization.

Knife Filing Jig

Another type of jig used for knife-making is a knife filing jig. This simple device aids in filing perfect bevels onto knife blanks, especially when a belt grinder is not available. It can be made using plywood boards and assorted hardware. The jig consists of T-nuts, an eyebolt, bolts, hose clamps, a wingnut, washers, and screws. The construction process involves cutting the wood, drilling holes for the T-nuts, assembling the jig, and applying varnish for protection.

The knife filing jig is a valuable tool for knife-makers who don’t have access to a belt grinder. By using this jig, you can achieve precise bevels on your knife blanks, resulting in professional-quality knives. The construction process is straightforward and requires minimal materials and tools. Here are the steps to build your own knife filing jig:

  1. Start by cutting plywood boards to the desired size for the jig. You will need a base, two side panels, and a top panel.
  2. Drill holes in the side panels to accommodate the T-nuts. These T-nuts will hold the bolts that secure the knife blank in place.
  3. Attach the side panels to the base panel using screws or nails.
  4. Insert the T-nuts into the holes and secure them using epoxy or wood glue.
  5. Attach the top panel to the side panels using screws or nails.
  6. Install an eyebolt in the top panel. This eyebolt will be used to adjust the angle of the knife blank.
  7. Secure the eyebolt with a wingnut and washers.
  8. Attach hose clamps to the side panels. These hose clamps will hold the knife blank securely in place.
  9. Apply a coat of varnish to protect the plywood from moisture and wear.

Once your knife filing jig is complete, you can start using it to file bevels on your knife blanks. Simply place the knife blank in the jig, tighten the hose clamps to secure it, adjust the angle using the eyebolt, and start filing. The jig provides stability and control, allowing you to achieve consistent and accurate bevels on your knives.

Benefits of Using a Knife Filing Jig:

1. Enables precise filing of bevels
2. Consistent results on knife blanks
3. Suitable for knife-makers without access to a belt grinder
4. Cost-effective alternative to expensive machinery
5. Enhances the quality of finished knives

With a knife filing jig, you can elevate your knife-making skills and create professional-grade knives even without advanced equipment. It is a versatile tool that offers precision and convenience in the knife beveling process.

Making the File Guide

The file guide plays a crucial role in the construction of a knife filing jig. It serves as a guide for the file, ensuring precise and consistent bevels on the knife. Here’s how you can create the file guide:

Materials and Tools:

  • Steel rod
  • Scrap wood
  • File
  • Hose clamps

To fill the gap between the steel rod and the file, two spacers can be created from scrap wood. The spacers help maintain the proper distance and alignment while filing the knife bevels.

Before proceeding, it’s essential to grind off the edges of the file. This modification facilitates the creation of a plunge line on the knife, ensuring precision during the knife-making process.

Assembling the File Guide:

Once you have the necessary materials, follow these steps to assemble the file guide:

Materials Procedure
Steel rod Insert the steel rod through the hole in the knife filing jig, ensuring it is aligned with the bevel angle.
File Attach the file to the knife filing jig, positioning it perpendicular to the steel rod.
Hose clamps Secure the file and the steel rod in place using hose clamps. Make sure they are tightened adequately to prevent any movement during the filing process.

The assembled file guide allows for precise and consistent bevel filing, contributing to the overall quality of the knife. Now that you have completed the file guide, you are ready to use the knife filing jig for your woodworking projects.

Testing the Jig

Now that you have built your knife filing jig, it’s time to put it to the test. Testing the jig is a crucial step to evaluate its functionality and ensure that it meets your requirements for knife making. In this section, we will guide you through the testing process on a scrap piece of mild steel.

Once you have secured the knife blank in the jig, start filing the bevels using smooth and consistent motions. Pay close attention to the precision and accuracy of the filed bevels. The knife filing jig allows for precise filing, giving you the ability to create professional-quality knives with ease.

During the filing process, make sure to check the alignment and stability of the jig. Any misalignment or wobbling may affect the accuracy of the filed bevels. Adjust the jig as necessary to ensure proper alignment and stability for optimal results.

After the filing is complete, inspect the bevels for evenness and symmetry. This will determine the success of the jig and its effectiveness in the knife making process. Take note of any areas that require further adjustments or improvements.

Evaluating the Results

By testing the jig on a scrap piece of mild steel, you can assess its functionality and determine if any modifications are necessary. Remember to evaluate the filed bevels in terms of their precision, consistency, and overall quality. This will help you identify any areas for improvement and refine your knife making process.

Ultimately, the success of the knife filing jig relies on its ability to facilitate accurate bevel filing, aiding in the creation of professional-quality knives. With each test and evaluation, you will gain valuable insights that can be applied to future knife making projects.

Continue to experiment with different techniques and materials to further enhance your knife making skills. The goal is to refine and perfect your process using the right tools and techniques. Happy filing!


In conclusion, using a knife beveling jig is a game-changer when it comes to achieving precise and consistent bevels on your knives. By following the step-by-step instructions provided in this article, you can easily create your own beveling jig using readily available materials and tools.

The beveling jig for knives not only simplifies the sharpening process but also ensures accuracy and efficiency. You can say goodbye to uneven bevels and hello to professional-quality knives. This tool is a must-have for any knife enthusiast or professional craftsman.

Additionally, the knife filing jig offers a practical solution for filing bevels on knife blanks when a belt grinder is not accessible. By using basic materials and following the simple construction process outlined in this article, you can create a file guide that helps you achieve perfect bevels with precision and ease.

Whether you’re a seasoned knife-maker or just starting out, incorporating these jigs into your knife-making process will undoubtedly enhance your craftsmanship and elevate the quality of your knives. Embrace the power of the knife beveling jig and the knife filing jig, and watch your creations reach new levels of excellence.


What is a knife beveling jig?

A knife beveling jig is a tool used to achieve precise and consistent bevels on knives. It allows for quick and effortless sharpening while maintaining accuracy.

What materials and tools are needed to create a knife beveling jig?

Some of the key materials include an adjustable spring door hinge, a bolt, a cap nut, steel plates, a steel block, and a plastic sheet for reducing friction. The necessary tools include an angle grinder or hack saw, a drill press, and a sander/grinder/file for cleaning up edges.

How do I build a knife beveling jig?

The process involves attaching the hinge to both plates, securing the bolt post for angle adjustment, and reducing friction by adding a plastic sheet to the bottom plate. Optional additions such as a set screw and a knob for the bolt can be included for convenience.

Can the knife beveling jig be tested?

Yes, the jig can be tested to assess its functionality. Users have reported that the jig allows for faster and more even grinds, leading to improved blade quality. Additional improvements can be made based on feedback and recommendations.

What is a knife filing jig used for?

A knife filing jig is a simple device that aids in filing perfect bevels onto knife blanks, especially when a belt grinder is not available.

How do I make the file guide for a knife filing jig?

The file guide is made using a steel rod that acts as a guide for the file. Two spacers are created from scrap wood to fill the gap between the rod and the file.

How do I test the knife filing jig?

The jig can be tested on a scrap piece of mild steel to evaluate its functionality. This helps determine its effectiveness in knife making.

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